I'd like to remark that I don't really know how to reply to comments (or if that is possible) so this post is devoted to answering some of them.
Tommy: Yes, but it's funny to see how the Japanese appropriate American brands. Evidently their McDonalds are actually pretty good, they grill the burgers on the spot like In-n-Out, rather than just warming up pre-cooked meat like at ours.
Erika: Your comments are all great and hillarious XD. I'm not going to feed your addiction, so you will recieve no cell charms! dame desu yo! I am saving all of my "yennies" too (as well as the go-en) because they are useless and just cannot be spent anywhere. The go-en are cool because of the hole (and the lack of a greek number, only kanji). I'm thinking of making cool necklaces out of them for people :)
I'm sorry, but a lolita outfit for 2500-en? it just can't be done! I will find something very cool, though (though as a last resort I will have to break down my moral barrier and feed your obscene addiction).
Liz: What?! the cityscape is AWESOME in Kyoto! The mix of old and new is SO interesting. You can look down the street and see a building that is easily 200 years old right next to a new-age apartment complex. It's too cool. :O
I am going to Tokyo today, then up to Misawa in the northern-most region of this island, so no temples yet (well we did visit one at night, maybe I'll post some of the night-time pictures I got.)
Everyone: Thanks for the comments, I read all of them :)
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