Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Anonymous said...

Ha! And of course you post pictures of American store brands instead of the Japanese ones. We already know what a Makudo looks like, you know.
Very nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

Yaay! Pictures!

You have no idea how happy this made me. Don't you just love how butt-ugly the cityscape is? Makes you really appreciate all that expensive architecture we have here.

I want to see pictures of shrines and temples next!

Erika Ishii said...

I agree with coma. I KNEW you were going to take a picture of Micky D's. I just knew. But you've got some good shots. Also, I forgot: keitai strapya. Cell phone charms, my boy. Japan-exclusives, please. You will be handsomely rewarded.

Bobo said...

Hey Son, Say hi to K and B for me, I hope that you are getting a chance to soak up some of the native 文化.