Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Crazy Places

*edit* added some more (not sure why some rotated after uploading... that's weird.)

Yeah, I bought this belt.

I wanna find one of them nameless flowers.

nice to see the sewerage is being taken care of.

What kind of planning are they doing?

I can tell.

just look at that polka-dot dress.

at least it's elegant

Ladies aren't the only ones.

so um, what?

You should really get that looked at.

As you can probably guess, I was roxored.

I do wonder what ds burgers taste like.

well? let's go.

when normal convenience is just not enough.

Junky, but special!

This name must entice young men a-plenty. (btw, look at the guy in the top window)

It's new, yet Junky!

Yep, you can have it and eat it too.

This post is dedicated to my sister Hannah


Erika Ishii said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Soon, Chris will have enough pictures to overthrow Engrish.com and start his own dynasty.
There is not one store in that list that I would not enter.

Oh yeah? Well...
Best selection shirt.

Bobo said...

I want more clean town, '89 was too long ago...

Unknown said...

Heart In...I'm feeling the love. Cool pics---all of them.

Unknown said...

Very funny...left me wanting more. I
ROFL'd with ROFL. Keep them coming.

Erika Ishii said...

Wait, when did I post and delete a comment? Huh. Well, you have done some mighty fine work. I thought that the profusion of Engrish had died down and was moving on to China, but clearly I was mistaken. I just couldn't help laughing hysterically at some of these. I think my favorite one has to be the "my heart is about to explode with joy!" I feel like I've seen that one before. A DS burger. I can arrange to have one on the grill by the time you get back. But it'll cost you. And you'll have to supply a replacement one of approximately equal blondness. That one mart is SO American. It has the hyperactivity and military print down to a T.

Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously, you need to bring me back a shirt with something ridiculous on it.